You can contact us by email at Please put ‘amble’ in the subject line if that is what your message is about.
You can use to have your email address added to our mailing list and we will send you details of any upcoming events including evening talks, walks, ambles and trips. The trips programme itself, is published in one of the WWT mailings. We may very occasionally ask you for your opinions. We will never pass your data to anybody else. You can have your email address removed from the list by emailing the same address.
If you would like an image of yours added to the gallery, also use It would be great if you can include ‘Who took the photograph’ and ‘When’ and ‘Where’ it was taken. It’s fine if the location is very general, especially if the image shows a rare species. If you don’t know ‘What the image shows’, please send it anyway. Somebody in the group may be able to tell us. These are sometimes known as the ‘four Ws’. We assume that we can use any image you send elsewhere on our website.